
Smoothies & MORE is about eating healthy. Learning new and inventive ways to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet. With the assistance of the Smoothies & MORE Blog, you will learn how to create recipes that will suit your palate, as well as, enjoying a healthy experience for you and your family ... ♥♥

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fresh Cucumber Juice ....

It amazing how we grow up believing the store bought juices are the best way to get our liquid intake. Over the past year I have been revamping my eating habits. What I choose to drink on a regular basis has been getting an overhaul as well.

Growing up we always had the choice of water, milk or kool-aid with our meals. With the occasional pitcher of fresh tea or lemonade, that was made during the summer holidays. After being gifted a juicer, I thought, what in the world am I going to do with this? Granted it set in the basement for several years. It wasn't until I purchased a raw drink from a middle eastern  restaurant when I decided to pull it out.  Why pay for something I could make myself ...

The mixing and blending of fruits and vegetables can be delicious. As well as a stand alone drink such as cucumber. Not only are cucumbers good for you to eat, they are good to drink also. No it's not like the sugary drink some of us grew up on. It's cool and refreshing.

After  getting the hang of it, and not dreading to wash the juicer out, I enjoyed what I was embarking on. Fresh juice made by  my own  hands, anytime I wanted some. This was amazing to me. Naturally I wanted to explore more juices. Now, my juicer is no longer in the basement tucked away collecting dust. It's on the counter, ready to go at all times ...

6 Cucumbers
Wash and push through juicer
this will yield 1 quart of juice. Chill and ENJOY! .. 

So if you are unfamiliar with juicing, please, do your research and try your hand at it. I think, you will enjoy it just as much as I do ....

Happy Juicing
~ ♥ ~

1 comment:

  1. At first I thought it would taste rather icky but boy was I wrong! Love this shake especially on a hot summer day!
